Tap dance studio Four Taps

19. 9. - 18. 12. 2011 - Autumn tap dance courses the center of Prague
New tap dancing courses for beginners and advanced tap dancers, children, juniors and adults begin in the week from 19th September 2011. We are newly opening lesson for children from 4-6 years and STEP 4 FIT LESSON. Both intensity and content of this lesson respect health needs of participants, the lesson is suitable not only for seniors.

Tap dancing 9-12/2011
19. 9. - 18. 12. 2011
starting from 19. 9. 2011

Schedule + registration

More information about courses

Take advantage of discounts if you register and pay before 31. 8. 2011

If you miss the beginning, do not hesitate to join us later.
Looking forward to meet you :)
Kurzy stepu pro děti
Enrollment for tap couses September-December 2011
11. 9. 2011 from 7-8.30 p.m.
FT studio, Štěpánská 9, P-2
Free Tap Dancing Lesson
for new tap dancers
11. 9. 2011 from 7-8 p.m.
FT studio, Štěpánská 9, P-2
Please register for the lesson in advance: fourtaps@fourtaps.cz

Four Taps - tap dance courses
We teach in Prague and Pilsen
(Prague-own studio, in Pilsen-the ballet school DJKT)

Tap dance lessons in Prague
Our courses are held in a fully equipped studio in centre of Prague, Štěpánská 9, Prague 2.

We are teaching tap dancing since 2005. We offer tap dance lessons for children, students, adults and seniors. 3 times a year we open new courses for beginners and advanced tap dancers. Due to strong interest in our courses we are teaching during summer holidays also. Our best students can become members of the Four Taps group, participate in performances, competitions, etc. We organize STEP 4 FUN FESTIVAL, tap dance show which always present most of the dancers from the Four Taps group and Four Taps courses. We are teaching in Czech and English.

ISIC discountsISIC, IYTC, ITIC and ALIVE cards provide significant discounts.

We accept vouchers:

Relax /  Flexi / Gift Pass


Promo video Four Taps

16. 9. - 18. 9. 2011 - Tap dancing seminar - Pascal Hulin
Do not miss this unique opportunity to tap dance at seminary led by world renowned master of tap Pascal Hulin. Lessons are designed for pre-intermediate up to advanced tap dancers.
You can choose any combination of lessons we offer.

Seminář stepu s Pascalem Hulinem
Tap seminar: Pascal Hulin
16. 9. - 18. 9. 2011

Schedule + registration

Take advantage of discounts if you register and pay before 31. 8. 2011

Pascal Hulin

Tap dancing show produced by Pascal Hulin

Summer workshop led by Pascal Hulin - master class.

Dancers: DOREL & COSTEL SURBECK, several world tap dance champions.

Pascal Hulin










News - April-June 2011

How we performed and taught tap dancing in Metro station Náměstí Republiky - Prague

Majáles 2011 - Praha

Majáles 2011 - výuka v metruMajáles 2011 - výuka stepu v metru
Majáles 2011 - výuka stepu v metruMajáles 2011 - výuka stepu v metru

International tap dance day
May, 23rd - 26th
In connection with celebration of International tap dance day we are opening our courses for everybody.

Open lessons (tap dancing):
Monday, 23rd May, 7-8 p.m. - Adults Intermediate I
Tuesday, 24th May, 7-8 p.m. - Ad. Beg. - no vacancy
Thursday, 26th May, 5 to 6 p.m. - Adults Beginners
Thursday, 26th May, 6 to 7 p.m. - Adults Intermediate I
Please pre-order for the lesson in advanced.

Czech Tap Dance Championship 2011June 4, 2011
Czech Tap Dance Champ 2011 - Prague
Sports Hall AC SPARTA, Address: Kovanecká 2405, 19000 Prague 9.
Actively participate in the competition and financially supporting the organization of Tap Dance Championship 2011.
Come and cheer us :)

STEP 4 FUN FESTIVALJune 26, 2011 from 7 p.m. STEP 4 FUN FESTIVAL

Pod Palmovkou Theatre - Prague
Unique evening filled with tap dancing and dancing
Tickets are already available at the theater box office.


complete overview of our activities

Four Taps - tap dancing courses
We are teaching tap dancing in Prague and Pilsen
(Prague-own studio, in Pilsen-the ballet school DJKT)

Tap dance lessons in Prague
Our courses are held in a fully equipped studio in centre of Prague, Štěpánská 9, Prague 2.

We are teaching tap dancing since 2005. We offer tap dance lessons for children, students, adults and seniors. 3 times a year we open new courses for beginners and advanced tap dancers. Due to strong interest in our courses we are teaching during summer holidays also. Our best students can become members of the Four Taps group, participate in performances, competitions, etc. We organize STEP 4 FUN FESTIVAL, tap dance show which always present most of the dancers from the Four Taps group and Four Taps courses. We are teaching in Czech and English.

ISIC discountsISIC, IYTC, ITIC and ALIVE cards provide 20-40% discounts.

We accept vouchers:
Relax /  Flexi / Gift Pass

We also offer:
- Free tap dancing lessons
- Gift vouchers for tap dancing lessons
- Tap dancing workshops with foreign teachers

We look forward to seeing you:)

more about tap dancing lessons in Prague - schedule

Four Taps promo video

stepařské boty









Tap dancing lessons for expats in English
starting in April 2011

every Wednesday from 6-7 p.m. - Intermediate I
every Wednesday from 7-8 p.m. - Beginners

For more information please see our schedule
or contact Marta e-mail: marta@tapdanceinprague.com
phone: +420 604 278 948

News - March 2011

March 20, 2011 Free Tap Dancing Lesson

March 24, 2011 Enrollment for tap couses April-June 2011

March 25, 2011 Free Tap Dancing Lesson

March 28, 2011 Enrollment for tap couses April-June 2011

complete overview of our activities

Four Taps group

Four Taps was founded in 2006. FT group specializes in modern and classical form of tap dancing. Every year, successfully participated in Czech and International tap dancing contests and performing at social events throughout the country. Among the greatest achievements of the group include 1st place in Czech Tap Dance Championship 2009, title runner-up in Czech Tap Dance Championship 2009 and 2010 and 4th and 7th place World Tap dance Championship 2010.

The group has more than 40 dancers aged 15 to 50 years.

more information about Four Taps group

Four Taps promo video


kurzy stepu